19 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Experiment is the Ultimate Test

The ultimate test of a scientific hypothesis is experiment. Experiment specifically means that you don't just wait for nature to do something, and passively observe it and see what it correlates with. You go in there and do something. You manipulate. You change something, in a systematic way, and compare the result with a 'control' that lacks the change, or you compare it with a different change. [...] If your hypothesis is that the non-random survival of random genetic variation has import...
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You don't wait for something to happen, you must test it.

02 JAN 2011 by ideonexus

 The Web is More Than Text

Nevertheless, the next generation Web should not be based on the false assumption that text is predominant and keyword-based search will be adequate for all reasonable purposes [127]. Indeed, the issues relating to navigation through multimedia repositories such as video archives and through theWeb are not unrelated: both need information links to support browsing, and both need engines to support manual link traversal. However, the keyword approach may falter in the multimedia context becaus...
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All of our search technologies, semantic explorations, and other online conversations are all dependent on text, but they must grow to be able to read images, audio, and video as well.